You are in the right place for some awesome anti bullying slogans. There is no need for aggressive behavior that makes others feel bad.
Bullying has reached outside the normal school aged kids. Work place bullies now exist nationwide. The greed to display power can get out of hand. Many times it even spills online to social media networks.
It’s an unwanted act that can lead to serious and long lasting issues for the victims.
This is why I’ve posted some anti bullying slogans below.
These quotes and sayings will help with the three types of bullying.
- Social Bullying: Sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.
- Physical Bullying: Involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.
- Verbal Bullying: Saying or writing mean things.
Anti Bullying Slogans To Help End The Pain
A bully will not win in the end.
A bully won’t stop until his mindset is dropped.
A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
A sign of weakness is being mean.
Anyone can be a bull, it’s nothing special.
B.A.D (Bullies Are Dumb)
Bad online bullies can cause BAD offline results.
Be a true buddy, not a false bully.
Be kind, words don’t rewind.
Be proud, no bullies allowed.
Be unique, hit delete, and smile.
Bigger, Badder, but a Sadder person.
Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine brighter.
Bullies are a bad thing, and a SAD thing.
Bullies are despicable.
Bullies are hurting inside.
Bullies are thugs that need hugs.
Bullies don’t have REAL friends.
Bullies have PREY and PRAY mixed up.
Bullies need a big hug.
Bullies simply tear down. Friends simply build up.
Bullies, don’t ignore them.
Bulls are afraid of the power YOU have.
Bully free starts with me.
Bullying breaks hearts.
Bullying is a cycle that has to end FAST.
Bullying is bad… Don’t make others feel sad.
Bullying is for losers.
Bullying on Facebook can end with a Case book.
Bullying stops here!
Bullying… Enough already!
Cyber bullies are lonely predators.
Do the right thing… Even when no one is looking.
Don’t judge, you are NOT perfect either.
Don’t let a Social Network make you a jerk!
Don’t pick or be a prick!
Don’t be a bully, it’s not cool.
Don’t be a fool, do what’s really cool… don’t bully.
Don’t be a zero, be a hero and refrain from being a bully.
Don’t Blog, Snapchat, Tweet, Post or Pin your horrible words. It doesn’t make you COOL.
Don’t let anyone EVER dull your sparkle.
Don’t let one bad egg make you feel rotten.
Don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine.
End bullying before it ends a life.
Forget the hype, don’t type hateful words online.
Friend me; don’t bully me.
Friends don’t grin, speak out about bullying.
Have you asked yourself why you make others cry?
I don’t wear a BULLY PROOF vest, your words are killing me.
I won’t ignore it because it’s NOT okay.
I’m Anti-Bully and Supporter FULLY. I don’t need a t-shirt.
If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them.
If you hear what they say, don’t walk away. Support the victim.
Instagram bully pics are for pricks.
Is your status more important than my feelings?
It just isn’t big to make others feel real small.
It’s alright to be polite.
It’s not fair, you don’t care, we are ALL aware… you are a bully!
It’s smarter not to be a starter of harsh words.
It’s easy to hate, it’s hard to congratulate. Stop being simple.
It’s not cool to be cruel.
Keep smiling, bullies can’t stand it.
Kindness counts, it starts with you.
Kindness is a priceless jewel.
Leave bullying to bulls. Become human.
Make a plan to hold a hand.
Make some noise about bullying.
Never put someone else down to make yourself feel better.
Niceness is priceless.
No bullying. Have a heart, DON’T take part.
No H8.
No matter how you break it down it’s still Bul.ly.ing
OUCH! Bullying hurts!
Pulling someone down will never help you reach the top.
Record IT, Report IT, Don’t Support IT.
Rise up against bullying.
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, & accepted by idiots.
Say no to being anon. Stop the Bullying.
Shame is a bully & grace is a shield.
Snapchat bullies are the worse.
Speak up about bullying.
Stand up for ALL, fat, skinny, tall or small.
Stop and think, words can hurt.
Stop bullying and let the world smile.
Stop bullying now, take a stand,lend a hand.
Stop bullying now.
Stop the pain, it’s insane.
Take a stand against CYBER bullies.
The internet is no place for bullies.
The no bully zone.
The power of 1 can make bullying done.
The workplace is NO PLACE for bullying.
There is no gain for calling others out their name.
We expect respect, don;t you?
What you wear doesn’t allow you NOT TO CARE for others feelings.
Why bother being a bully to others.
Your action won’t control my reaction.
Your harsh tweet is just a public defeat.
Your heart must be cold to be so BOLD.
Your words cut much deeper than a knife.
These anti bullying slogans are helping thousands of kids. These phrases help avoid or recover from the harsh words and pictures from bullies. It doesn’t take remembering all of them. Pick a couple of these great slogans to speak. Share this page of anti bully quotes with supporters who can help. Bulls are usually people that are suffering inside and lashing out on someone they deem to be weak. Remember, you are special and have no reason to show weakness. Be strong and don’t let your mind subject to the negativity.
Here are some anti bullying infographics that show important statistics
Thanks for visiting the 101 anti bullying slogans page. I sincerely hope it helps thousands of kids and adults being bullied across this great nation. Let’s help end the dangerous long term effects that bullies can cause.